Doggy Dementia?

by Mary

We rescued our Pyr approximately 5 yrs ago. At the time we thought she was at least 4 yrs old. She's always been really laid back, low maintenance (except for the numerous teeth we had to get pulled because of her previous situation), but now, for some reason she totally freaks out for NO REASON. Today, when we got home, we let her out of her crate (she's always been fine with it), fed her dinner and let her out with our other dog...same thing, different day. Except she's been out there for the past HOUR running back and forth across the yard looking for a way to escape. Back and forth, back and forth, panting, drooling....this isn't the first time she's done it. She's perfectly healthy according to blood work, so we're really at a loss. Anyone have any ideas? Suggestions?

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Apr 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

We experienced much the same behavior with a 7yr old German Shepherd spayed female. She needed a lump removed. After the procedure we were told she was fine, so she came home. Paced a bit and had a glazed look to her eyes.
Called the vet. Were reassured she would be fine. But she was not fine at all and never would be again.
Her agitation increased day by day. Acted much like your Pyr. Meds to calm her only had a sedative effect...she never improved and so euthanasia was the only option.
It was explained that some dogs experience nerve damage from the anaesthetic. Generally, dogs do not recover from this.
Pyrs are well-known to be very sensitive to drugs. Talk to the vet....get a second opinion if you can. Ask specifically if her condition could be permanent. You have already rescued her once and have given her your love and care. She depends on you to help her, one more time.
God bless. We are all with you.

Apr 20, 2017
Would Prozac help?
by: Anonymous

Obviously the dog has anxiety. Perhaps you could talk to your vet about prozac. Just a thought.

Jul 19, 2017
Pyrs are overly sensitive
by: Anonymous

Our pyrenees can hear EVERYTHING. including all the stuff we cant. A week and a half before 4th of July she starts freaking out. Why? Because people are setting off fireworks/firecrackers and just because we don't hear them, doesn't mean she doesnt. She's been freaking out and behaving like your dog for several weeks, and we come to learn that the Blue Angel's are practicing in the skies above San Diego for an upcoming air show. We don't hear it but she DOES. She panics whenever we watch a movie. Why? My husband insists on turning on surround sound and she goes nuts! Pyrs are overly sensitive. It's the breed.

Dec 16, 2019
Restless nights
by: Anonymous

I have been bringing my pyrenees in the house at night to sleep for years. He is almost 12 years old and very cold at night so he is inside from 6pm tell the next morning. My dog has always liked lying on the carpet in my room but I have not let him sleep in my room at night light sleeper. It started with me finding my dog up on my couch one morning and he did this for about a week. Knows he isn't allowed up on the furniture. The next week he started ramming my bedroom door until i open it or he pops it open and insists on sleeping in my room beside my bed. He gets up and paces around most the night. He also was pawing at his reflection in my night stand. A couple nights ago he tried walking into the corner with the Christmas tree more than once. He has to be right under my feet at all times and just gets more restless at night. I am desperate for sleep and find my patience dwindling for my poor old freind. Help he is otherwise healthy not sure what to do.

Dec 17, 2019
by: Anonymous

You should consider taking him to the vet for a check up. He may be experiencing discomfort.

Jan 02, 2020
She was put down last year...
by: Mary

...advanced arthritis was making it impossible for her to walk, get up if she got down, etc.

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