
by Philip Todd
(Dallas, Texas)

I am presently owned by the third Pyr in my life and somewhere along the way I came to understand that drooling is part of their defense mechanisms. When a Pyr has two large drools hanging down, from a distance they look like very huge fangs. When considered with their deep loud bark, size and stance, the "fangs" add a dimension that would make any animal think twice about tangling with them.

All three of my "owners" have come from working dogs and all three have exhibited different traits and personalities. They all had a wonderful sense of humor, loyalty, gentleness and extrasensory ability to know when to go from pet mode to guard mode. When they are in guard mode they are in control! Also, I don't think they ever really sleep and they can be laying around like they are sound asleep and with just the wave of an arm, their eyes open wide to check things out while never moving their body. However, I have seen them go from appearing to be dead with virtually no sign of breathing to leaping over a sofa and delivering a monster roar at the front door. As you know, their athletic ability is astounding.

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Sep 28, 2014
Just what Pyrs do
by: Marianne

About the drooling. It is one of the signs that they are alert. Might even be assign of being a bit stressed.

They don't all drool. it depends on the form of the bottom lip. If it dips down in the middle on the side (St. Bernard type), s/he will probably drool. This is one of the first things I look at on a Pyr.

As for going from 0 to 150 in 30 seconds, there are car manufacturers that would like to discover how to do that! They are absolutely fascinating and so lovable. No wonder we don't mind being indentured to them!

Oct 09, 2014
Amazing and true
by: Ed A from NJ

Yes I think you are so correct! I have a special sponge mop for the ceiling because when Beau drinks water and shakes his head it hits the ceiling and yes he has the looser underlip.

But my female Buttercup who has a very female look has tight lips and would be very upset if she were to do that, she is a real diva.

As to their amazing agility, everyone who sees Big Beau put it into to high gear are shocked that 165 pounds can move like that. He has even snatched a hawk out of the air that was attempting to grab one of our rescue puppies. He didn't kill it. It feathered us all over.

When you look at a Pyr, the hips and shoulders hold a large part of their weight and I think that is where their explosive power come from. Being owned by Beau and Buttercup has been one of the great experiences of my life.

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