Glued to my hip!!

by Perry
(Vail, AZ.)

I cannot move around the house without my great pyr getting up and going with me everywhere. From laying across the bathroom threshold while I shower to laying behind my desk chair while I'm on the computer, she doesn't ever leave my side. It kind of drives me crazy.

We are a family of four and I'm the only one she does this with. Do great pyr's choose a family member to guard??

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Jan 13, 2016
by: Donna

How old is your dog? How long have you had him?

I take it you are female? Are the rest of the family males? Are you a smaller build? Do you show signs of insecurity or perhaps a disability that the dog may sense you need support?

I wouldn't think he would do this unless he has some concern for you. Especially, since you are the only one he does this with.

Perhaps have a positive-reinforcement trainer come in to see what is going on with him. S/he would be able to give you more insight as to why he feels the need to do this.

Jan 13, 2016
Following you around
by: Kathy

Hi there, our GP mix follows me around the house too, but she doesn't do this with my husband. We three are the only ones living here. I assume her following me around is because she sees me as the alpha, or maybe she thinks I need protecting more than my husband. Not sure.

Jan 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

Your Pyr is exhibiting the most endearing and enduring part of their character as guardian.
They do not, in my experience anyway, differentiate between human "animals" and the flocks in the fields. Where there is a need to protect the vulnerable, that is where the Pyr will be. And within your family flock that she considers her responsibility, that is you.
I respect these dogs' abilities of extrasensory perception so much, that my thoughts are that you should perhaps think about checking your own health status. There is a reason she is vigilant. Trust her, and go get a checkup.

Jan 13, 2016
Feeling needed
by: Ed A from NJ

For some reason it sounds like she feels you need her. My male was my service dog and acted very much the same way. I just don't understand why that would bother you. Made me exstreamly happy and proud to have my boy love me that much.

Jan 15, 2016
How Do They Know?
by: Frank

When I read your post the first thing that came up for me was a memory of our Pyr Gus. Gus, like all Great Pyrs, had an uncanny ability to read situations and respond in an appropriately protective manner. We saw it many times… in many ways.

It has also been reported here on this site many times. There is, without a doubt in my mind, something mystical about these dogs.

The last visit my Dad had with us was many years ago. It was Christmas. He had Alzheimer’s. It was fairly advanced but he was still at home and mobile.

As soon as he arrived, Gus was at his side. When Dad sat, Gus would lie at his feet… sometimes on them. When Dad went to another room, Gus followed ever so carefully, not to trip him, but never far away. When Dad used the washroom, Gus would lie across the threshold until the door was opened.

Gus displayed this behavior for the full 4 days that my Dad was visiting. Gus never displayed this behavior with anyone else. He displayed other protective behavior, but nothing like this.

So when I read your post and reflected on my experience with Gus and my Dad, my immediate thought was that your Pyr knows something about you that you don’t know. Like a few others have suggested, I wonder what you would learn from a visit to your Doctor?

As I said… there’s something mystical about Great Pyrs. There are many accounts. Here is one of those.

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