Raw prey diet

What would a raw prey diet need to mainly consist of as far as the main protein?

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Apr 24, 2016

by: Great Pyrenees Club

Give with introduction to raw food if dog having trouble with it (diarrhoea)
Milk Thistle (clean inside for 3 weeks); If your dog is having trouble adjusting.

Psyllium: 1 tsp. per 20lb

I feed once a day

• Raw meat (RMB-raw meaty bone) (Chicken leg quarters, necks, backs, venison, pork, beef, lamb, goat, rabbit, fish, turkey, duck, bison, tripe, liver, sardines) Do not cut up meats.
• 5-10% organs
• 10-15% edible bones
• 80-85% muscle meat (and the rest of the critter) (bone in chicken breast to start for raw for a week or two - watch the poop)

Additives (once a day - optional but fun to add)
• 1/2 tsp. Salmon/sardine oil 

• Vitamin E (400 IU)

• 3/4 tsp. Berte’s Ultra Probiotic Powder if dog has trouble digesting raw food
• 1 tsp. fibre
Occasionally (optional but fun to add)
• Cottage cheese or yogurt occasionally
• 1/4 cup pure pumpkin (not filling) for fibre
• Vegetables not necessary but if fed (for fibre), make sure they are thoroughly cooked
• Alphalpha, kelp
• powered vitamin C

Feed one kind of meat for a few days, then switch to another etc. Once the dog is used to eating various meats then start veggies (cooked only) if you want. 
The rule of thumb for healthy adult dogs is 2-3% of their optimal body weight. If they are overweight, aim for the DESIRED weight, not their current weight. Same for an underweight dog, take their desired weight to figure your starting amount for each meal.

• Take your dog’s weight (or desired weight)  e.g. 100 pounds = 453.59 grams 
• Multiply his weight in grams x 2% (or 3 %)   therefore 907.18 grams of food
• 90.71 grams organ meat
• 90.71 bone
• 725.74 gram of muscle meat
• You don't need to be exact but that's what you try to aim for. It's like humans. We don't get everything we need in one day but over time, it works out.

Dr. Karen Becker talks about dog diets. This is a three part series and very information. Here is part I


Natural Nutrition For Dogs and Cats: The Ultimate Diet" by Kymythy R Schultz

I hope this helps although it's more than you asked for!

Apr 26, 2016
Raw food
by: Donna

There are no chances to be had. There have been many recalls on kibble. I watched a video of kibble being made and I would never go back.

Dogs on kibble poop huge poops twice a day. Why? Because there is so much filler in kibble.

It's easy to balance out the ratios for raw. My dogs have been on it for five years and they actually eat their food, now. My Pyrs have never liked the processed kibble and it was painful to watch them eat it piece by piece and never finish it.

They have both had blood work and they are both perfect after 5 years on raw.

Both my dogs had medical issues when I adopted them. After prednisone and digestive enzymes, neither of which worked, I put them on raw. I've never looked back.

Conventional vets will be quick to scare people on feeding raw but there is no fear to be had.

Apr 28, 2016
by: Donna

Vets get their nutritional training from kibble reps and vaccination training from pharmaceutical reps. After my own experiences with vets and watching this video http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/episodes/2012-2013/barking-mad I don't have a lot of faith in some vets nor vet colleges.

Many vets have gone the alternative medicine route. This also means feeding raw.

I do my research for my dogs. After following conventional vets for years, I know that isn't the place for my dogs.

Have you heard of a dog who has come down with salmonella, live bacteria etc. from eating raw? Bone splintering occurs if you feed cooked bones which you never do. Dog's stomachs are different from ours. No one if feeding their dogs rotten meat. I've never heard of a dog getting sick from raw. Again, I've done my research.

There are many vets, breeders, vet techs etc. who feed raw and they wouldn't go back.

No, the amount of poop is just an indicator of the amount of filler in kibble.

Jul 23, 2016
Eating raw forever
by: Anonymous

Dogs have been eating raw forever. They will eat a rabbit, mouse, bird, etc., if they can get it. That is more natural than dog food any day of the week. It's hard to come by when you live in the city, or you aren't a hunter, so dog food is a nessecity. But dogs love raw meat and bones. And their hair is beautiful and they gain weight better on a raw diet.

Jul 24, 2016
by: Donna

Raw is easily accessible in Canada now. Many entrepreneurs has discovered there is a need and want for raw and have started some great businesses. They deliver, too.

It only needs to be googled for your area.

Then there are butchers who also supply raw diet for dogs.

And, when you see sales are the grocery sale, it can be picked up there.

Aug 25, 2018
raw diet a plus
by: zienna

Dry dog food has only been around for about 100 years. Guess what dogs were eating before that, they were eating RAW food. Their systems are not like humans, they are made to consume things like that, as far as splintering bones that is if t he pork, chicken, or fish are cooked. They can consume raw bones they do not splinter. I have a chihuahua that when he was little had a high liver level the vet wanted to put him on medication, (not happening) with a raw diet his levels dropped to a normal level faster than that with the medication. So I do make my dogs foods.

Jun 05, 2020
Puppy food
by: Anonymous

How can I get my 5 month old Great Pyr pup to eat? She hates dry food. What can I prepare that is safe for her? Tearing my hair out.

Jun 08, 2020
Raw Diet
by: Donna

As you must have read in all the comments, kibble is highly processed. It's sprayed in oil to make it enticing to dogs. Once the bag is opened,the oil begins going rancid. It must taste pretty bad.

There is much information about raw feeding on the comments. Here is an article by a vet about it.


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