Why doesn't our great pry puppy walk on cement

Why won't our 8 week old great pry walk on cement? She'll walk on the grass but not cement

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Nov 26, 2015
bare foot comfort
by: Anonymous

Well, really, I do too when it comes to that! It takes time for a puppy's pads to toughen up. So, do not worry. If you make this an issue now, it will be a huge and permanent issue later. Allow her to have the choice of the discovery of another surface besides grass on her own terms. Make sure the cement you are asking her to experience is not burning hot, screamingly cold, wet or covered in traction salt. She's a baby on a pretty steep learning curve. Give her time and she'll be fine.

Nov 26, 2015
Puppy Walking
by: Donna

First, your puppy is young. If you got your pup from a reputable breeder, they will have given you all sorts of information on how to integrate your pup into society. They will also be glad to answer any questions you have.

Second, puppies don't need long walks. Their bodies are still growing. They want to play and see everything. That's fine. Make training on leash in short and interesting intervals.

Here is some good information on leash training:

As for walking on cement, it may be too hot or too cold on there. They have very sensitive pads at this stage. You must be mindful of their feet throughout their lifetime. They sweat through their pads. Their feet need to breathe and can't do it on too hot or too cold concrete.

If the concrete feels fine to your touch, go ahead to let them know concrete is okay.

They haven't walked on it before so don't like the feel. Be patient. Use treats to lure them out onto concrete. If that doesn't work, give it time. They are getting used to the world.

If they put one paw onto it, praise them highly. Again, it will take time but always use much praise. Puppy will get it.

Again, time, patience and consistency and always praise for good behaviour and redirect for unwanted behaviour.

Here is a wonderful reference in Dr. Sophia Yin, world-renowned vet behaviourist:


Nov 26, 2015
Brave new world
by: Anonymous

At eight weeks old everything is new and there is no telling what will interest them and what will spook them. Give her time and enjoy every second you come this way but one time and it is so pure and beautiful.

The good news is the trip from puppy to young adult to super dog and finally old age gets better the whole way. Then you realize this was no dog. You were blessed to have had one of gods best creatures. What a great trip I have taken it 4 times and I am 6 months into my newest.I envy you.

Apr 02, 2017
help with leash walking
by: Anonymous

i just wish I could get my baby to walk on a leash and not want to buck and romp and eat the leash.
we have bought every kind of leash, trainer and harness, over a $100 worth of stuff, still will not work

Mar 31, 2020
Walk on cement
by: Anonymous

At what age will they walk on cement

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