Adopting a GP who lived at the house we just bought

by Melissa

The previous owners of our new home and acreage want us to keep their 3-yr old neutered male. He is strictly an outdoor farm/guard dog. We will have fowl, which he has never guarded. How well do GPs adjust to a change in situations like this? Is there a specific way we should socialize the GP to new animals we bring onto the property? Or will he realize that if we bring it onto his property, then he is charged with guarding it? I know they are very smart. He is a sweet boy, but mostly stand-offish with people.

Also, his owners have shaved him for the summer, and I wondered if that was an appropriate thing to do. I would guess that they have that much hair to prevent bites in a battle, and shaving is detrimental. Also, wouldn't the fur be an insulator from the heat, just as it protects from the cold?

These answers will help me decide whether to keep this big guy where he has always lived, so thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.

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Jul 06, 2015
by: Donna

Has he been in charge of livestock before? Fowl are a different kind of 'animal'. Yes, you will need to socialize him to the animals on your property. Keep him on leash until everyone seems happy. Do not let them focus on each other. Walk around for a bit and keep them separate until you are sure they will get along. Even then, watch them.

As for the fowl, keep him on leash with them when you go in with him. When you aren't there, keep a fenced in area in the middle of the chickens so he can acclimatize to them.

Here is a great link:

NEVER shave a double-coated dog such as a Pyr. They sweat through their paws and pant to cool off. You are correct. The coat acts as insulation. Pyrs actually are quite embarrassed when they are shaven. He will need regular grooming to keep his coat in good shape and so he feels good. Also, keep his nails trimmed including his dew claws.

Here is another link for bringing a new dog to your home even though he will be a working dog. Make sure you have sufficient shelter for him and a penned in area. Give him at least 3 weeks to adjust to you and trust you. More time to adjust to the chickens. They are a little different than the furry lambs and goats.

I hope this helps. Pleasea contact us if you need futher help.

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