
We saw a Great Pyrenees at a shelter today, he was dirty and shy. Hes about 4 to 6yrs old. When I petted him and walked away he pulled the volunteer over to me and leaned against my leg. My question is, is it hard to train a dog like this to fit my family life style?

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Dec 31, 2017
by: Donna

Always do your research on a breed before you consider adoption.

You can't train a dog to fit your lifestyle. You need to read up on them to determine if they are a good fit, though.

Know that they bark a lot to deter predators. That is how man bred them since their job is to watch over livestock. They bark if they hear a butterfly two miles away.

They are independent thinkers so read into that that they are not obedience dogs. Man bred them so they could be left with their livestock and know what to do instinctively. If they do something, it has to be worth their while.

They need a well-fenced year. No tie outs or invisible fencing. They can't reach all corners of their property when tied. It's also undignified for them. They will go through invisible fencing and scare themselves so they won't go back.

They cannot be off leash unless in a fenced area. They will wander for miles given the chance.

They molt twice a year lasting six months at a time so be prepared for hair year long.

Like any dog, they need exercise. People claim they are couch potatoes which is true. You wouldn't want a big dog like that going crazy in your house. They still need exercise to get out to see the world and stay interested and fit. They are not running partners, though. That's the last thing they want to do. Like most dogs. Sniffing and going at their own pace is best.

That is the Pyr in brief.

For more information, start here:

Dec 31, 2017
Best dog ever
by: Nashville

There is nothing better than a Great Pyrenees. If you are patient and kind youll have a best friend. Adopt the pyr and if it doesn’t work there are great pyr rescues that will help. Best wishes!

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