Big Beau is my right leg!

by Edmund Alparone
(new jersey)

7 years ago I had a bad I injury and lost most of the use of my right foot and had lost last of it to a amputation. I had just got Beau a year before and resided to him becoming my service balance dog.

When I stated the training to both my surprise and the trainer Beau seemed to know just what I needed. The trained said he had never seen any dog pick things up so quickly. If I walk too fast he slows me. If I stumble forward he cuts in front and stops me from hitting the ground with his massive 165 point body (yes he is a big one). When I go up steps If there is no railing he takes every step with me so I can use his harness for balance. Of the railing is there he goes to the top of the steps and locks in so I can use the bungi lease to pull myself up and defer my weight.

People are always surprised that no commands are ever needed he just knows, sometimes I think we share one brain. I never make him wear a vest and always take time for people who are interested in his work. Still Beau is kind and sweet to strangers but has his own mind on who to trust and when to be weary. This has proved to be priceless as I trust his judgement as it has never disappointed.

When Beau has to retire I will be relocated to a wheel chair until he passes. I could never let him see me leave the house with another dog for his giant heart would break. The good news is the vet says Beau is not getting older he is getting better. Since his training when he is with me I have only hit the ground 1 time. Well hell nobody is perfect. But big Beau is close.

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Feb 03, 2014
Life is Good with a Great Pyr
by: John and Myrna Passons

Hello Sir and Beau,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful testimony with us!! There is no doubt Beu was sent to you from above.

I can see Beau guiding and protecting you as you go about your daily routine.

My husband John and I have two great pyrs as well and they have been our guardian angels since the day we brought them home.

I know our good lord has made Beau well so that you may have more time with him.

Your story is very inspirational and I will share it today and always!!

Please keep us posted!

Myrna Passons

Feb 03, 2014
The other side of Big Beau
by: Ed Alparone New Jersey

I'm so glad I found this site, I love to hear and share stories about this great breed. I think they are the best kept secreat in the dog world.

I realized after reading your follow up that I left out a very important part of our life. That would be Ellen (my wife) and Buttercup (Beau's wife). While Beau and I were going threw training the trainer said if Beau had a mate it would help him to relax when his work day was over and while he should spend most of each day with me bonding I should try to give him time to be a dog.

One day I got a call from Rawhide rescue, they knew I had Beau because they did the home inspection for NGPR when I adopted Beau. They said they had a girl Pyrenees and she wasn't getting any adopters looking at her. Part of the problem was not a young girl. I said being alone and handicapped I didn't know if I could handle two but I would go see her.

When Beau and I saw her I knew Beau wouldn't leave without her. I believe it was love at first sight! When she saw Beau she popped up and the two started prancing and Dancing with each other you calm and reserved boy cut lose and played with Heidi( her name at the time). Needless to say I took her home.

Now with 2 big dogs I started taking them to the dog park for them to relax. When we would arrive at the park I guess the people felt with my handicap I couldn't handle the two big dogs and would leave. That is when a lady with two big dogs showed up and said the people did the same to her and did I think her dogs could play with mine? I was reluctant but we took our time and all 4 dogs got along great even though her were Rotties.

Over the next 4 years the six of us became friends and she would want to hear about Beau and me and how we did out in public. As you probable all ready figured out we married and Ellen and I are very happy. She understands the relationship between Beau and I and the importance he has in our life. At 120 pound Ellen knows she can't do what Beau does for me. We share our love for dogs and she even understands Beau's special place. Now the six of us are a family.

So as you can see my boy has changed my life in so many ways, I am glad I have been able to give a little back to him. I owe him my life and I know I can never repay him. The really super thing about Beau is he would never ask to be repaid he has far to much class.

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