Constance Fleur

by Marianne Glofcheski
(Lochaber QC)

Great Pyrenees Rescue Constance

Great Pyrenees Rescue Constance

Constance Fleur

Constance est une belle Pyrénéenne enregistrée de 5 ans, douce et gentille.
Elle a vécu avec un couple plus âgé jusqu’à l’été passé quand ils me l’ont amené disant que ils voulaient voyager et ils ne voulaient pas l’amener en Véhicule Récréative. Bien sûr il y a toutes sortes de raisonnements mais, que voulez-vous!

Je l’ai envoyé à son éleveur qui aurait voulu la garder mais comme elle a maintenant entamé une nouvelle carrière et travaille de longues heures, Constance passe beaucoup trop de temps sans présence humain, elle qui a été habitué à une présence presque continuelle.

Constance est très bonne avec des enfants et avec des chats. Elle les ignore, les chats je veux dire! Les enfants, bien, ils s’assoient à côté et elle surveille leurs mouvements.
En fait elle serait une candidate idéale pour travailler dans le programme R.E.A.D. dans une bibliothèque participante. Les enfants peuvent s’asseoir et lire au chien. Ils peuvent ainsi lire à haute voix et raconter au chien, qui les écoute patiemment, sans les corriger. La confiance des enfants augment très vite comme ça! De plus elle se comporte très bien avec le monde. Alors si vous avez besoin de quelqu’un pour surveiller les devoirs de vos enfants, voici une candidate parfaite! :)

Toutefois, Constance ferait mieux dans une maison ou il y a une présence humaine presque continuelle puisqu’elle veut être près de son monde. Quand je dois sortir et la laisser dans la maison, elle passe tout son temps à me surveiller par la fenêtre. Elle dort sur le palier de l’escalier ou à l’entrée de ma chambre pour à la fois s’assurer que je suis sauve et que rien d’inopportun ne se passe au rez-de-chaussée.

Le mieux serait qu’elle soit chien unique parce qu’elle n’aime pas d’autres femelles. Elle tolère les males mais elle se soumit trop, au point de se faire voler toute sa nourriture par le mâle qu’y habitait. Elle a regagné les livres perdus et pèse maintenant une heureux 92 livres.
Évidemment elle marche bien sur laisse, connaît ses commandes de base, en fait, c’est une compagne agréable.

Elle sera châtrée avant de partir dans une nouvelle maison.
Marianne Glofcheski (819) 985-1044

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Mar 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

If you go to the other post on Constance, you will find the description in English

Mar 12, 2012
Constance in English
by: Marianne

If you go to the next post, the message is in Englis. :) Yes, she is a beautiful Pyr.

Mar 12, 2012
by: Connie Ramey

I do not speak the language...however, the photo speaks for itself:

Beautiful Pyr!

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Constance Fleur

by Marianne Glofcheski
(Lochaber, Qc )

Great Pyrenees Rescue Constance

Great Pyrenees Rescue Constance

Constance Fleur

Constance is a beautiful 5-year-old registered female, sweet and gentle.
She lived with an older couple until last summer when they brought her to me because they wanted to travel and they didn’t want to take her in their RV. I still don’t understand why not because she’s such a well-behaved girl, quiet and lovable but, hey… !

I sent her on to her original breeder who was very happy to have her back. However, this person has since started a new career and works very long hours so Constance spends too long a period without human presence, especially having been used to being with her humans almost all the time.

Constance is great with children and cats. She is a great sitter for the kids and ignores the cats! She sits beside the children to watch them do their homework. In fact, she’d be a great candidate as a R.E.A.D. dog in a library where the children can sit and read aloud to her. The children can read and tell the story to the dog who listens patiently without correcting or making comments. In this way, the children’s confidence for learning builds quickly! She is a fine people dog and so if you want someone to help your children with their homework, here is the perfect candidate! :)

Constance would do best in a home where there is a constant human presence since that is what she had been used to; she wants to be with her humans. When I go outside and leave her in the house, she stays in the window to watch me. She sleeps on the stair landing or at the door to my bedroom so she can watch me and be sure that nothing untoward is happening on the ground floor as well.

She would probably be happiest as an only dog because she doesn’t like other females. She tolerates males but she is a bit too tolerant because the male with which she was living would eat all her food and she was becoming a bit thin. She has now gained back the requisite 10 pounds and is a happy 92 pound dog here at my house away from the other dogs.

She walks well on leash, knows her basic commands (in French) and is a very agreeable companion. She could also become someone’s very talented service Pyr!
She shall be spayed before going to a new home.

Marianne Glofcheski (819) 985-1044

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Dec 06, 2012
Beautiful Constance
by: Sheila Sandham

We have now had Constance for about 8 and a half months, and couldn't imagine life without her now. We have all adjusted very well, even the cats (they stay out of her way, even when she wants to play with them). She is a big, beautiful, gentle girl who just wants to be loved (very easy to do!).

Thank you to our daughter, Katy, who introduced us to the breed and helped us find the perfect companion!

Mar 27, 2012
We love Constance!
by: Sheila Sandham

We have just had Constance for 2 and a half days and we already love her. (the cats not yet, but they will come around) She is very sweet and affectionate and gentle. I know she will love us as much as we love her with time. P.S. Vicky, thanks for the nice comments. It's really nice to meet so many people who have pyrs.

Mar 26, 2012
Happy for a forever home....
by: Connie Ramey

Makes my heart so happy to hear of a beautiful, sweet, loving Pyr like Constance, finding a forever happy home. Blessings and much joy to and always.

Mar 26, 2012
by: Marianne

Thank you Vicki.
I think they'll be happy together. I do so hope.
However, I guess there'll always be a string attached to my heart with her!

Mar 26, 2012
Constance is Home
by: Vicky Z

I met Constance's new Mom on Saturday and I think she will be truly happy and spoiled with love where she is going! Mom was very much excited about her arrival and their future with Constance!

Baloo and I look forward to meeting her in the near future!

Mar 15, 2012
Chère Constance Fleur
by: Julie R.

Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi tes parents t'on abandonné! Ca me brise le ♥... Je te souhaite une meilleure famille qui pourra t'aimer comme tu le mérites.

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Breaking News

  1. Courtesy - Bear

    Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM

    Bear DOB:  October 2018 (almost 7-years-old) Location:  Midland, Ontario Pyr/Maremma? mix Single family home with a large securely-fenced property

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  2. Leo

    Feb 11, 25 05:48 PM

    DOB: September 2023 (almost 1.5-years-old) Location: Acton, ON Single family home with a securely fenced yard required. This sweetheart was surrendered

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  3. Lucy

    Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM

    *Foster-to-Adopt* or *Foster* DOB: January 3, 2024 (9 months) Location: Acton, Ontario She will need a single-family home with a securely fenced yard

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  4. Courtesy - Maya

    Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM

    *ADOPTED* Location: Dunnville, ON DOB: Jan. 3, 2021 (3.5 years) Spayed Companion Dog, Pyr mix Good with children. Single family home. Raw diet (species-appropriate)

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  5. Courtesy Posting - Luc

    Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM

    As a pup.
    *We are delighted that, after providing his family with help in training, they have decided to work with this boy.* Name: Luc Breed: Maremma x Pyr Age:

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  6. Courtesy Posting - Beau

    Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM

    As a pup.
    *We provided his family with some teaching help, and they have decided to work with these two!* Name: Beau Breed: Maremma cross Age: 18 months DOB:

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  7. Courtesy Post - Princess

    Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM

    *ADOPTED* Great news. Princess has a become part of a new family. They have the space and time to spend with her. Princess DOB: February 6, 2020 (4-years-old)

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  8. Bates

    Dec 13, 24 03:30 PM

    *ADOPTED* Location: Acton, ON DOB: Approx. September 3, 2022 Single-family home required. Minimum 5-foot securely fenced yard. This beautiful sweet

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