do they run? / do they drool all the time like st. bernards?

by lindsey

I am looking to get a pyr...... Do they like to run away a lot? Will they drool when ever they want or just when they are hot? My husband doesn't care for a dog that drools like crazy!

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Dec 09, 2014
Tough questiion
by: Ed A from NJ

For the most psrt I would say no Pyrenees do not drool as much a Saints and other mastiff breeds, mostly because they're not mastiffs, but that is a whole other story. As for drooling each dog is different, my male has loose lips that is to say very saggy. So he drools when he is excited about impending food he will be chiseling, if he drinks water some flows out and if he shakes his head I do have a mop to clean the ceiling. In perfect contrast my female has very tight lips and you never ever would see a drop come out of her mouth. So I think mine cover the spectrum of Pyrenees drool. But let me tell you Beau (my big male) is the love of my life, my wife claims even more so then her. Now I don't know if that's true but I can tell you that these dogs are so exceptional I hardly even notice the drool except to clean up after him but I do it with a smile and a little shake of my head as if I am thinking if this is the worse thing Beau does it is not worth mentioning. Big tip if the dogs lower lip has a decidedly u shape to it he or she is more apt to be a drooler. If you let this little inconvenience stop you from getting a Pyrenees you have robed yourself from one of the great experiences of life...bring owned by a Great Pyrenees! Sorry for your loss.

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