What is a Foster Campaign anyway?
As you probably know, Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario has an active Pyr Rescue Committee. As a result we are contacted regularly to take in Pyrs in desperate need of new homes. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate all rescues. Sometimes, it is because of a problem that cannot be fixed – such as extremely aggressive dogs, but more often it is a question of space.
Carol, our President and Veterinarian, takes those dogs that need medical attention and they stay with her until placed. Some of our Quebec dogs stay with our Quebec based affiliate, Marianne. However, we cannot deal with all the dogs that we are asked to rescue. WE JUST DO NOT HAVE THE SPACE.
Once a dog is in our care, it stays until placed. That is our commitment. While it is usual that we can place a dog fairly quickly, often within a few weeks, others take longer. This is especially true of dogs needing medical attention. As a result we have to turn away some dogs due to lack of space.
So why mount this Foster Campaign? Our Pyr Rescue Committee is asking for HELP. And we are in real need. We desperately need foster homes where we can house dogs until they are adopted.
Can you foster a Pyr Rescue? Do you know someone who could foster a Rescue? This can be a rewarding experience, since you would be helping one of these amazing dogs in need. You can get started now by visiting the Foster section of
our web site.
Perhaps you have decided against fostering as you might consider it to be a long-term plan and you have other commitments or time constraints.
It is possible you may have only a few weeks or months of the year that you can assist. That is OK. We understand. We all have other things in life that take priority. But even a few weeks here and there would greatly assist us.
If you can help, please contact us. Our President, Carol Graham or any member of the Executive will work with you to ensure you foster only a dog that fits into your particular home lifestyle.
WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. If you have room in your heart and in your home for one of our Pyrs in need, we would be eternally grateful. Please visit our website to join our Foster Campaign.
Feb 11, 25 05:48 PM
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