weight loss & best food

by Mary

I have a female 3 year old that has gained 30 lbs. We had gotten a new puppy ( male) and was free feeding them, now my girl's weight is out of control she can barely get off the floor. Also what is the best food to feed this breed? Help

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Jan 20, 2016
by: Donna

Ensure both your dogs are spayed and neutered.

Do NOT free feed if your dogs eat like this.

I'm not sure how she got to the point of not being able to stand up. Surely you must exercise these dogs daily and allow play time? If you don't, you better start. Some would say this is just cruelty to your dog to allow this weight gain.

I personally feed raw. It's food in the purest form. Kibble has all sorts of fillers in it. You feed 2% of your dogs ideal body weight. Aim for 5-10% organ meat, 5-10% bone and 80% muscle meat.


Jan 20, 2016
Totally disagree
by: Ed A from NJ

While I do agree you should feed each dog alone so they don't share food I highly discourage a raw food diet as does two of the three bodies governing vets in the us. The simple truths is dogs have been domesticated long enough where a raw food diet don't make sense anymore.Their are so many super kibbles and blends of good food to get just what your dog needs. You may want to start with oajion dry food. I is time to spey your female but you may want to get her weight under control as it will be harder to do once she is spey. You have not said how old your male is but he should be do e at 13 months old. Make sure you allow no mounting until they are neutered. Although I have no idea why neutering is brought up when talking about feeding.

Jan 21, 2016
Spay and neuter
by: Donna

I always bring up spay and neuter, Ed, because I volunteer with rescues. This person has a male and female. Puppies will occur if they aren't spayed and neutered.

If you've volunteered with rescues, you will know how many dogs come through via owner surrenders or strays. Way too many.

Those puppies end up with people who may not spay and neuter. More puppies. Eventually, these pups get bigger and are no longer cute and they have become unruly because no one worked with them.

Somtimes, pregnant bitches are dumped because she became pregnant by the dog down the way. No one wanted the puppies so it was easiest to dump the bitch.

So, they end up in shelters. Untold numbers of dogs are euthanized each year because no one wants them. Or, they come into rescue and most times with issues because no one did the work with them.

That's why spay and neuter is advised when someone talks about having a male and female.

Dogs pay the price for people being irresponsible.

Jan 21, 2016
dogs weight
by: Mary

Yes they have a HUGE yard the run around in. What I meant was she was 95 lbl . We got the puppy they were both on large breed ukanueba puppy food. The female gained weight. Our vet is not to concerned about her but I am. When I say she cant get up I mean not unless she think she hears something then its no problrm. They are both fixed and both had the the gastropexy done at the same time. My dogs are VERY well taken care of. Just asking for help besides what the vet told me. Thanks

Jan 26, 2016
by: Marianne

As a breeder and as a rescue person of many years, as well as other Pyr people's conclusions in discussion of this, my advice is :

Do not use large breed puppy food after 4 or 5 months. They will grow too rapidly and strain the unformed skeleton. Pyr skeletons aren't completely matured until 24 months at the earliest. You should always keep them on the slim side. Use the health caress, that is run your hands down the sides of the dog's rib cage. You should be able to feel the ribs somewhat. If you have difficulty feeling the ribs, your dog is obese or well on its way.

For the adult, if you're feeding dry food use one that is corn and wheat free. Those are usually labelled grain free. A good food will have a fish, meat, fowl protein base and have fruits and vegetables included.

You don't have to pay a great amount of money. There are some medium-priced brands that are perfectly good. You also have to watch quantities.

Most packages have a suggested daily serving. These are too much for Pyrs with their slow metabolism, Remember, they are mountain dogs whose daily rations were not very high and dependent on what the shepherd left them or what they would hunt down. The result is that they developed over the many hundreds of years to be very energy efficient of their protein intake and they became omnivorous as a result.

I do not agree with the person who does not like raw food. Properly done, this is the best possible diet you could offer your dog. However, not everyone does it properly and not everyone wants the bother of handling raw protein. Because veterinary associations are against it, well, it's rather understandable since most veterinarians sell dry food and this is part of their income.

Whatever your choice, be careful of the quality and of the quantity you give.

Jan 27, 2016
Judgement vs advice
by: Anonymous

After reading these posts and finding a similar thread running through Donna's comments, I would say that your love for this breed is commendable. However. People are coming to this site for help and advice, not rudeness and judgement. If you have experience worth sharing, then offer it to the people who need it, without snap judgements or ridicule. To do otherwise is a disservice to the site and the people requiring guidance.

Jan 30, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for all the help

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